Monday, April 20, 2009

Research for Assignment Two- Paragraph About The "Morning Sun"

The widow as we can see is suffering from depression as well as some anger management issues. We see that this widow is behaving in that way because of a tragic incident which turned her life upside down. This tragic incident could refer to her partner whom she had known and got along for years who suddenly got killed in a accident or died from an illness. The isolation of the widow shows the depressing side that she has no one to support her or help her out. The isolation also shows anger on why this incident had turned that widow's life has been ruined. Hopper defined the widow as a 68 year old as shown in a autobiography by Gail Levin which gives clues that her life has been wasted and there nothing else she wants to do for leisure. The location of the widow's room is a bedroom situated in a apartment block in Washingston Square, the surburbia area of New York City. We see that reflections of lighting had played an important role in the painting which is common with all of Hopper's paintings.

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